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About us
Sironi Editore is an imprint of the Alpha Test group. It started its publishing activity in 2002 with indicativo presente, a series of italian novels. Sironi Editore is now hosting another narrative series called Questo e altri mondi and Galapágos, a popular science series of titles by both Italian and foreign authors.

The catalogue
indicativo presente is a contemporary Italian narrative series. It includes novels and short stories, diaries, reportages, dialogues, pamphlets, scripts and memorials: not just fiction, though it is literature.

Questo e altri mondi is dedicated to entertaining fiction and is composed of novels that melt the pleasure of a breathtaking and solid plot to a high literary quality: an exciting book can't be but well written!

Galápagos is not composed of classical essays only. Science is often presented as novel, tale, script, historical document, enquiry, while the stories of scientific adventures and the characters that lived them are the main body of the series, which highlights the context and the social, political and cultural implications of the evolution of scientific knowledge.

Paola Borgonovo, editor (indicativo presente and Questo e altri mondi)
Doriana Rodino, executive editor, foreign rights manager
Renato Sironi, rights and sales direction

L'universo accidentale
di Alan Lightman
"L'idea fondamentale. Intervista a Fabio Toscano" di Carlo Silini, Corriere Ticino
"Il cervello geniale che valeva per due" di Giulia Villoresi, Il Venerdě di Repubblica
"Come funzionava la testa di Leonardo" di Giovanni Caprara, Sette, Corriere della sera

Sironi Editore è un marchio di Alpha Test s.r.l.
viale Cassala 22 - 20143 Milano
tel. 02-58.45.981 - fax 02-
C.F./P.IVA: 08317940966
R.E.A. MI 2017255
Cap. Soc. € 146.093,57 int. vers.